Subtitle: | |
Author: | Gilman, Charlotte Perkins |
Editor: | |
Binding: | |
Purchase Date: | |
Purchase Price: | |
OpenLibrary Link: |
Publisher: | Pantheon Books |
Edition: | |
Copyright Year: | |
Publication Year: | 1979 |
ISBN#: | 0-394-73665-6 |
LCCN#: | |
Pages: | 147 |
Translator: | |
Language: | en |
Genre: | |
Keywords: | Classics; Fiction; Literary |
Series: | |
Series Number: | |
Condition: |
One the eve of WWI, three American male explorers stumble onto an all-female society somewhere in the distant reaches of the earth. Unable to believe their eyes, they promptly set out to find some men, convinced that since this is a civilized country--there must be men. So begins this sparkling utopian novel, a romp through a whole world "masculine" and "feminine", as on target today as when it was written 65 years ago.